Halleluyah! The skies are beginning to cloud over a bit and it's not as sunshiny bright as it's been all summer! Days are still hot, but last night I was...get this...COLD. And now the windows are open and breeze is coming into the living room and maybe, just maybe, we can stop relying on the expensive a/c and save a buck.
Happy week 22! (or is it week 23? I'm starting to lose count.) I'm feeling better than ever and I think I'm even feeling the baby move a bit, which is good since today was my deadline before panic. Everything online says that I should feel the baby between weeks 16 and 22, and here I am, thinking I'm an early bird, expecting to feel it by week 15, and so, as luck would have it, I don't feel it until i'm toeing the line into week 23. And I guess I'm still not 100% certain that it's the baby I'm feeling. I don't really know what a kicking baby feels like.
Otherwise, life is moving along swimmingly. Last week was Molly and Mike's wedding which was so much fun. and then we had a Richmond sheva brachot which was even more fun. I love seeing old Richmond people. I was trying to explain to Menachem why hanging out with Richmond people makes me so giddy, and the only explanation I could come up with that really pinpointed it was how they remind me of my idyllic childhood. I think I outgrew Richmond by the time I was 15 or so, but those elementary school years were pretty sweet. And all these old friends were a part of that. Before I knew of world suffering, disease, twisted bowels, heartbreak, stress, starving children in Africa, and evil. Not that knowing those things hasn't made my life more rich and valuable, but there is still something to be said for life pre-knowledge. Like Adam and Eve before the fall. Paradise.
Is it possible to still raise children in that sort of world? Is it possible in Israel, or in Jerusalem, more specifically, to raise kids in an evil-less world? Where terror attacks and talk of war is a regular concern? But then again, isn't it sort of like that in America now too? Remember when all we were taught was 'don't talk to strangers'? And now there are sessions taught to kindergarteners about sexual abuse?
I do have a great talent of blocking things out. Maybe I remember things better than they were.
On another subject, I'm still playing tennis and doing some pottery, though both might come to an end soon, pregant-wise and money-wise, respectively. My pottery teacher said I looked "light". I thought she meant pale, but she said she means "light", like not heavy, but I'm not sure if she was talking about body weight. (Though I am still right on target for weight gain!). It was a peculiar compliment.
If we don't speak before Monday night, shana tova! May you have a happy, sweet new year, filled with peace and blessings!
at your point it kindda feels like your belly`s rummbling, maybe like a little tickle from the inside. in a few weeks b"h you`ll feel like a little leg moved and kicked u... (-:
whilst i do not have any insights into baby world... to clear up:
- if you haven't used your coursework until now, you probably aren't going to need it. if you do need the information it contains, you can use wikipedia (if menachem hasn't changed it all first)
- chuck out the listerine and the locker things (although i dont realy know what they are, but if they are old enough that you are asking about expiration, then probably you aren't goign to use them)
- sort - get a paper filing system, like a folder or series of folders in which you can keep your important papers. anythign that isn't important enough to go in there should be thrown away.
thats all my advice, but if you have a specific scenario i can help you with that too! i am an excellent sorter :)
shana tova umetuka sweetie, to both (and a half) of you xxx
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