Thursday, April 30, 2009

Get ready for a really boring post...

Last night as I was trying to fall asleep I was thinking about very important things. Like if I could think of a fruit or vegetable for every letter of the alphabet. In some ways I did extremely well (like Duriun for D) and in some ways I was just stumped (like N???).

So here is my list. This is without the help of anyone or Google or anything. There are a few gaps in there.

A - apple
B - bananas
C - carrots
D - durian
E - eggplant
F - figs
G - grapes
H - horseradish
I - iceberg lettuce
J - jackfruit
K - kale
L - lemons
M - mango
N - I keep thinking noodles. But that doesn't count. Neither do nuts.
O - onions
P - pears
Q - quince
R - radish
S - strawberries
T - tomatoes (that took me a long time!)
U -
V -
W - watermelon
X -
Y - yucca (I think people eat that)
Z - zucchini

P has a lot: peppers, pineapple, passion fruit, papaya

Told you this would be boring.


Unknown said...

ugli fruit

Unknown said...


Sarah said...

good ones! I knew that if anyone would think of any (or indulge me in my game) it would be you. Or Tiff.

Tiffany said...

Is Horseradish really a vegetable? Come on.

I came up with Nori for N, but your mom's nectarines totally wins.

If you decide to play this game with alcohol, I got V. Vermouth.


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