I have a theory, and it's for my professional, speech-therapist sister-in-law Shira to confirm.
Hila was never really a babbler. She never really babbled long strings of unrecognizable speech. She was/is always very particular with her words, and while she may say "more" or "pizza" or "bottle" a thousand times in a row, she won't just say "oogleyboogedygrabelygoogoogaga."
Recently, however, Hila has begun using longer and sort of unrecognizable strings of words.
But--and here's my theory--I don't think she's babbling; I think she's talking. In other words, it was never in her nature to just make long strings of weird sounds, so why should she start now after she already has grasped the concept of real speech? I think that she really thinks she is speaking. There are real words in her strings of nonsense, and she seems to be speaking carefully, like she's really thought about what she wants to say and has chosen words accordingly.
So Hila talks, not babbles. Just sayin'.
In other news, Menachem is in miluim and we all really miss him. Just 5 days, but still. Hila must have asked for her daddy a million times today. And the other day I asked her to bring me a book, and instead she brought me a picture of Menachem, pointing to him and saying daddy. (She's now sleeping with the picture in her crib.)
New words: Yeerio (Cheerio), I yuh-oo(I love you).
I agree, Hila talks a TON! She's way too old for babbling, that's usually between 8-10 months. I remember when she was that age she didn't really babble, like you said, but when people made sounds Hila would watch their mouths and copy them.
The long strings of words or sounds that she is saying now I wouldn't consider babbling, although I'm sure it sounds like babbling. She is making an attempt to say the words that she knows, but the words may just be unintelligible because of her articulation. But we'll soon be able to understand everything she says!! Can't wait!!
see? i was right!
I seem to remember that Eden "talked" like that too. It was clear that she was saying SOMETHING, it just wasn't really English.
Actually she still does that. For a while she thought she was speaking spanish or french - now, she just says she's speaking fancy. Either way, I can't understand what it is.
Speaking fancy! That sounds SO adorable!!!
I assume that kids hear adults talk a lot and then only say a familiar word which is usually the point of the sentence. they probably wonder why we say "would you like an apple?" instead of just "apple?" then they do the same. maybe..
EC -- good point. the other day something was on TV (i think top chef) and hila was playing in the background, and all of a sudden she said "apple" (or some other word that someone on TV had just said) and I realized how she probably spends her entire day just listening and listening to everyone around her, waiting anxiously for someone to say a word that she knows.
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