Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bottle Weaning?

Hila is already 2+ years old and still drinks from a bottle. Not always--that is, she also drinks from sippy cups, straw cups, and regular cups just fine. But sometimes she really wants her bottle of milk.

Because she also habitually sucks on her pacifier, we've decided that she's probably ready to give up the bottle. (One bad habit is enough...) We were going to wait until Pesach, but last night I decided to give her milk in a sippy cup ("just like Avigail" -- her BFF) and she was totally fine with it -- excited even.

So that was easy.

But then this morning she woke up at 6am (which I know may be normal for you, but is unacceptable in this house), and I know that the only way to get her to go back to sleep is to give her a bottle of milk. We don't ever let her fall asleep with milk in her bed at night, but if she wakes up between 5-6:30, giving her milk does give us a chance at another hour (or like this morning, 2.5 hours!) of sleep.

So, here I am, with a 2-year-old who seems more than ready to give up her bottle, but who has parents who are still relying on it for their own benefit. I could give her a sippy cup of milk in bed in the morning instead of the bottle...but what's the difference really?


Ilana said...

Make up a bottle fairy who will exchange all of her bottles for a clock from One Step Ahead which shows kids clearly acceptable and unacceptable waking time (I'm sure you can google it). Prepare for a few weeks of a mess and then you will be glad.

Sarah said...

I've seen those clocks. just don't know if they work with the 220v electricity here. Actually a friend of mine blogged about it on my site -- will ask if she uses one here in israel. http://www.babythingsiwant.com/2010/06/sleep-most-precious-commodity.html


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