Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hila's Arms

I've been doing a lot of staring and studying of my baby's both awake and asleep behavior and actions. Here are some things that I've noticed about Hila's arms:

- When she's eating she makes little fists with her hands, sticks out her pointer fingers and brings her arms over her head, as if to say, "You are number one, mom!"

- Sometimes she does this with two fingers out, as if to say, "Just the two of us, you and me, mom."

- Sometimes she puts out three finger, "And daddy, too."

- When Hila is napping, her hands go angelically under her chin or one arm goes over her head and one arm stays under her chin or to her side. There is always a lot of flailing in the naptime phase.

- When she is sleeping a deep sleep in her crib, both of her arms rest over her head on the mattress surface -- "I surrender to sleep!"

- Sometimes she jolts awake for a moment (or longer) and her arms shoot up into the air. "AH! Why am I sleeping?? I should be conducting an orchestra!"

The best part of Hila's arms, though, are her hands, which are perfection. She has long, graceful fingers, that are not at all like my short, stubby digits. My mother says that they remind her of her mother's hands -- Hila's namesake -- how appropriate!


Tiffany said...

This is the cutest post ever, Sarah. I can't wait to meet Miss Hila!!!

Bethami said...

Eden did that too when she slept - suddenly woke, flailing!

Looking at some of the pics of her sleeping, I cant help but see the resemblance. I think they look SO alike. Especially when sleeping. Tonight when Eden went to sleep she had an expression that I distinctly remember seeing on Hila.

Sarah said...

They definitely look alike. I have some baby pics of eden on my computer and twhen the screen saver comes on, some pop up of her and they def. look alike. just hila is darker.

Unknown said...

LOVE this. cant wait.


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