Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Some of My Thoughts Lately

  1. I really like Costco. Why don't they make large stuff in Israel? I particularly like my new Costco contact lens solution. It was super cheap and has the type of cap that you sort of flip up, not that you have to unscrew and completely remove. I really prefer that. Why is contact lens solution so expensive in Israel? Why are contact lenses so expensive in Israel? Why is everything so expensive in Israel?
  2. Things that are cheaper in Israel than in America -- healthcare, education, avocados (when they're in season), laser hair removal.
  3. I love my new electric toothbrush. I look forward to brushing my teeth and it just feels so good on my gums. My teeth have never felt cleaner!
  4. People think I'm a laid back person, but what they don't know is that a lot of stress, anxiety, and hard work go into looking like a laid back person. That is who I really am -- a stressed out person trying so hard to be laid back.
  5. I think toilets flush better in Israel than in America.
  6. If breastmilk is so perfect, then why do I need to give my baby Vitamin D and iron supplements? (I don't -- I keep forgetting. I also keep forgetting to take my own multivitamin. Oops.)
  7. I think that I enjoy pedicures more than other people. 
  8. I think my life would be a lot easier if I had a large American washing machine. Or, better yet, a washer and dryer in one -- put your laundry in, push some buttons, and then come back in an hour (or longer -- that doesn't matter) to clean, dry clothes. 

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