Sunday, February 08, 2009

Tongue Tied

If you've spoken to me or written to me or heard anything about me in the last few days, you're likely to know about my sore nipples. People have been saying that all you need is a good latch, but what do you do when it is physically impossible for your baby to "get a good latch"? Since day one I've been struggling to get Hila to latch on properly, but even when it looks like she's got it good, it still kills. My nipples have gotten no chance to heal and just keep getting more and more and more irritated.

A few visits to the lactation consultant later, we learn that Hila is tongue tied. This is a real thing! It means that her frenulum is tight so she is unable to fully raise her tongue to the roof of her mouth, making it difficult, if not impossible, to get an effective suck. (The frenulum is that string-like tissue that connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth.) Don't get me wrong -- this girl can suck strong...just not effectively and not widely, which means that all of the action is on my nipple and not enough on the area around it.

Another result of this, other than severe pain, is that my milk supply is suffering. Milk supply is stimulated through the areola, not the nipple, and since Hila is barely getting to that, my milk ducts are barely being stimulated. Thus I have been relying heavily on pumping (which also kills) to help stimulate my areolas and increase my milk supply.

Another result of Hila's tight frenulum and my sore nipples is that Hila is not gaining enough weight. This is the most upsetting part of the story. We have been advised by both our doctor and lactation consultant to supplement her diet with formula, which was actually a huge relief becuase it gives me a little nipple break and coming from them (and not me) makes me feel less guilty.

The good news: Tomorrow we are going to get Hila's frenulum snipped. A quick cut under her tongue will loosen her frenulum and help release her tongue, making it easier for her to eat and less painful for me. She will also be getting that string like thing that connects the top lip to the gum line snipped (don't know what it's called) so that her top lip has more room to more as well. (Coincidentally (or maybe I should say genetically, I had this procedure done many years ago to help tighten the gap between my two front teeth.) I've got all my eggs in this basket -- if the situation does not drastically improve, then it could be that breastfeeding is just not for us, which is upsetting, but at least now I know that it's not my fault and it may not even be what's best.

Wish us luck for tomorrow!


Bethami said...

Good luck!!! Hope its not too painful for Hila, nor too emotional for you. And most of all, hope it works.
Looking forward to seeing you guys on Tues :).

Leah Goodman said...

Good luck.
I hope it works out well
I had to give up with my first born, and I cried a lot over it. Honestly, though... Kinneret doesn't seem to have suffered from bottle feeding.

Be well!

Sarah said...

how's it going with feeding your new one? Not sure yet if procedure worked today... so far she only wants the bottle. I think she's mad at me. :(

Anonymous said...

The most important thing you should be taught in pre-natal classes (and because most pre-natal teachers are hippies we are not) is that it's ok to give your kid formula, it doesn't make you a bad mother and it won't affect your kids health, although they'll still inherit all your crappy genetic issues. Maybe get Menachem to give a bottle every night around 9/10pm so you can get some more sleep and be a more chilled mummy? Naomi x

B said...

I hope the surgery went well. Are you pumping at all to keep your supply up? You can also hold onto your breast close to the areola and compress as you nurse. I had a lot of breastfeeding issues with Sophie in the beginning and ended up nursing for 17 months, so you never know. BUT there's nothing wrong with formula feeding either if that's what works best for you both!

Unknown said...

Wow, I never realized how many issues can come up with something that our bodies are designed to do. Good luck with the snip, hope it works, and keep us posted. Love hearing about what it's all been like for you. Although makes me wonder what's in store for me in a few months...

DonutsMom said...

Hey - how did the procedure go? Hope you guys are all doing well! Natalie


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