Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Joyous Drop Offs

Dropping Meira off at gan in the morning is definitely the happiest time of day for me. Yes, it marks the beginning of 3 full hours of uninterrupted silence, but more than that, I get to see a room full of 2-4 year old Israeli kids go crazy over the arrival of my wonderful Meira. 

It gets better and better everyday too. 

I bring Meira at 9 when all the kids have already been there for an hour or two and are settling down for their morning circle time. In we walk and they all get up, jump up and down, and scream, "Meira! Meira! Meira!" 

I was always hesitant about naming my child a name with a "resh" in it (the R) since in my American accent I wouldn't be able to pronounce my child's name properly in Hebrew. While I do still feel like an idiotic immigrant when I say Meira, I have to admit that I absolutely love the way that it sounds in Hebrew. The trill of the R in Meira makes it sound much more beautiful that the boring R as we Americans say it. 

P.S. We also pronounce Hila's name like idiotic immigrants. It's supposed to be Hi-LA, and we say HI-la. We will be naming our next kid Bob, or some other one syllable name without a "resh."

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